Our Passion

Our Passion

Our staff is dedicated to giving back. We are now secure in our personal finances and have learned how to overcome the financial challenges that we all face from time to time. We are students of how to achieve financial peace of mind and are committed to sharing these lessons with our clients. The most important lesson in life is to provide a helping hand to those in need and this is the passion that drives us. We are dedicated to teaching you how to achieve your own peace of mind and bring stability back into your life. Allow us to help you.
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How do you subscribe to MyBudget Group products and services.  You can subscribe to either an in-person manner of an online experience.  The cost of either approach is the same. The cost of each of our services and tools is as follows:

  • Workshop & Step by Step Workbook $150
  • Budgeting Software $50
  • Bundled Workshop, Workbook & Budgeting Software $175
  • One to One Coaching Per Hour $150

Please provide the following information to get started:

Which of the products and services would you like to subscribe to?